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5 Foods to improve your kid’s immunity 

We all know these Covid times are the toughest time we have ever seen and it's no secret that the only thing which save you is your own strong immunity.

WHO says that the most affected age-groups are new born to 10 years old kids and above 50 years old senior people!

Let's talk about the most vulnerable one – our 6 months + kids specially till 2 years because they are still very small, cannot eat much, limited items, tough to feed them and most important their immunity is still in developing phase in fact really weak

What can you do to protect your child from the endless array of germs and viruses he's exposed to every day?

Unfortunately, in some ways, getting sick when you're a kid is simply part of the job description. "We all enter this world with an inexperienced immune system," says Charles Shubin, M.D., an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Maryland. 

Slowly, children prime their immunity by battling an ongoing series of germs, viruses, and other organisms—which is why many pediatricians consider six to eight colds, bouts of flu, or ear infections per year normal. But there are healthy habits you can adopt that will give your child's immune system a boost.

Most of us, millennial moms are in nuclear families today and feel alarmed of the possibility of our kids getting sick, especially if we are working moms. Kids with their developing immunity system are especially prone to catching many infections

So, what all food we can give to our infants or kids? 

The food items which we going to talk about can be start as early as from 6 to 7 months because ideally any infants start weaning from 6 months on wards 

Since children are more carefree, they are definitely more vulnerable to infections and health issues. To keep them healthy, powerful antioxidants are needed which are rich in vitamin C. Staying hydrated at all times, eating green leafy vegetables and loading up nuts and seeds daily are some preventive measures.

"We know that what you eat has a clear impact on your immunity," says Leo A. Heitlinger MD, chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics section on gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition. So, whether you're arming your kid for cold and flu season or just aiming for good, year-round health, immune-boosting snacks may help.

These foods will benefit your child’s immunity, make your child a healthy child and will help him gain energy

1- Fruits and Vegetables – is the key

All seasonal fruits and vegetables are incredibly rich in vital antioxidants, and vitamins. These food groups are low in calories; nonetheless, most of them are packed with vitamin A and C that help in building up a child's immunity.

The best ones to include in daily diet as immune-booster are fruits like guava, oranges, papaya, berries and vegetables like pumpkin, onions, dark green leafy vegetables etc

 Carrots, green beans, oranges, strawberries: They all contain carotenoids, which are immunity-boosting phytonutrients, says William Sears, M.D., author of The Family Nutrition Book. Phytonutrients may increase the body's production of infection-fighting white blood cells and interferon, an antibody that coats cell surfaces, blocking out viruses.

Try to get your child to eat five servings of fruits and veggies a day. (A serving is about two tablespoons for toddlers, 1 cup for older kids.)

2- Yogurt – Tummy's best friend 

Yogurt makes us strong by providing immunity. Yogurt has great potential as a protective, anti-infection agent. Increased yogurt consumption might help increase one's resistance to immune-related diseases such as infections. This healthy snack is packed with calcium and several other nutrients that help maintain strong and healthy bones.

The probiotics in yogurt stimulate your immune system.  Just be sure you are using a low-sugar or no-added sugar yogurt, as sugar has the opposite effect on our immune systems!

3- Eggs /Fish– Build your building blocks 

Proteins from animal sources contain ample amounts of all the essential amino acids and are a must for immune cells. They are found in fish, poultry, cheese, eggs, and milk. Vegetarians can get their protein in grains and legumes like soybeans, rajma, chickpeas etc.

Research has shown that when a person is low in vitamin D, they are more susceptible to illness.  Eggs are one of the only foods with naturally occurring vitamin D.  They also include a number of other immune-boosting nutrients, such as B vitamins and selenium. Half boiled eggs are best way to give to your lil ones 

4- Nuts – Almonds/Walnuts 

Walnuts and almonds have healthy omega-3 fatty acids that help your body fight illness. One small study found omega-3 cut the number of respiratory infections in kids. Walnuts are easy to sprinkle into a snack mix or on cereal. 

Even apart from only almonds or walnuts serve your kids a variety of seeds, such as pumpkin, sunflower, and flax seeds, to boost their immune systems.  By eating a wide variety of seeds, you’ll be getting vitamin E, zinc, and omega 3 fatty acids, all of which help your immune system.

Experts believe that omega-3 help your body fight illness. There are some studies which shows omega-3 cut the number of respiratory infections in kids.

5- Raw Turmeric – A ingredient with multiple benefits

This is one food or spice or ingredient which is available in our kitchen 24*7, Turmeric or Haldi has multiple benefits but the most interesting is that it helps in boosting your immunity and in case of small kids it works like magic 

The most important part is Curcumin, the active ingredient, it has the ability to neutralize free radicals and harmful chemicals that run in the body and attack the healthy cells and cell membranes. It thus helps build immunity.

Turmeric can be given to infants when they are nine months old. While introducing turmeric to a baby, it is important to start with a tiny amount (just a tiny pinch in the food should do). Too much turmeric can cause stomach problems.

Turmeric is one of the natural ingredients that can be applied externally and also consumed. 

For your small kids the best way to give Haldi is “Haldi wala Dhoodh” 

Here are some ways you can feed turmeric to your baby. Please do remember that your child needs to be introduced to solid foods beforehand. If you see any signs of allergies, discontinue use and seek medical attention if required.

 Soups – Add a pinch of turmeric to the soup preparations. Ensure you bring the soup to a boil before cooling and feeding it to your baby

Khichadi or Dals – The tradition recipes of khichadi and dal have some amount of turmeric in them, but because the preparation is for your baby, add just a tiny bit.

Mashed and pureed foods – Turmeric can also be added to baby foods like carrot puree, pumpkin puree, and mashed potatoes.

Chicken – If you have introduced your baby to chicken, you may add a pinch of turmeric to it while it is cooking

With the pandemic of Coronavirus, we are facing today, I wouldn't say that turmeric is a treatment or a 100% protection against COVID 19, but keeping your immunity up definitely protects you better against the onslaught of infections. Also, immunity is built up over time, not in one day, so by inculcating good habits and adopting a healthy lifestyle and eating well, we can face challenges in life.

Now, the question arises that how Millennial Moms can include all these food groups in daily diet? 

As a mom myself, I try and balance with freshly prepared food and few healthy packaged foods. 

Make sure your child's main meals are freshly prepared with ginger, garlic and turmeric with a balance of good whole carbs coming from chapatis or rice, one bowl of protein (dals/pulses/eggs/lean chicken or fish) and loaded with seasonal vegetables. 

The school snacks or pre- and post-playtime snacks can be a nutrition bar (read the food labels - avoid any product that has added sugar more than 20%), or a packed fruit smoothie or yogurt that can provide daily requirements of immunity boosting vitamins like vitamin C. 

A handful of mixed nuts are always the easiest and healthiest snack to pack.

Happy Feeding!!

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