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Normal or C-Section Delivery, which is Better?

As soon as any lady gets pregnant, first thought came to her mind is probably, how she gonna deliver?

Should it be a Normal Delivery or a C-Section or Cesarean Delivery?

Which method is safe?

Which method is the best?

Then we start our research on our own, surfing net, reading thousands of different articles, go all out and asking and discussing the same with different mothers, relatives and list is never ending... At last we are clueless and it's like “Ab to sab Doctor aur Bhagwan ke hatho mein hai”

Now a days a third method is also very popular “water birth”, but in India it is still not adopted fully, so we will keep our discussion around Normal and C-Section or Cesarean Delivery only 

Today we will be going to talk about same but with some fact and findings.

Before starting we need to understand that first this should be mother’s own decision, one should opt that method in which she is mentally comfortable, for this we also need to have complete understanding of both the topics, 

Let’s start with 

Normal Delivery or even called as Vaginal Delivery

If we look into the statics In India, Stats say 17% is cesarean delivery rate that means around 83% comes for a normal delivery option, we cannot find the exact rate for normal delivery in India in any of the government site, but if we see this situation is not very true practically due to numerous reasons.

Let’s understand the process known as normal or vaginal delivery 

Its basically a Normal method of bringing the child into this world. It isn't hard to have common and typical labor except if you have some clinical complexities. The vaginal birth process helps in having a sound infant and a speedy recovery of mother.

You may experience changes a few weeks before the expected due date. However, the signs vary from one woman to another and from pregnancy to pregnancy.

Symptoms that appear days or hours before labor:

  • Increased and thicker vaginal discharge 

  • Pinkish and thick mucus in urine 

  • More frequent and stronger contractions Pain in the lower back that radiates to abdomen and legs Rupture of amniotic sac (water breaking)

Advanced symptoms:

  • Warm sensation in the abdomen 

  • Increasing contractions 

  • Vaginal bleeding 

  • Intensifying back pain 

  • Severe pain from contractions

Giving birth to a baby is a natural process, and the human body is designed for it.

Healthy women may not even require painkillers or epidural.

Here are a few points which will tell you why you should keep your delivery as natural as possible:

  • Shorter Labor: Painkillers and epidurals slow down the contractions and increase the total laboring period.

  • When you don’t feel the contractions, you will not know when to push and cannot progress to the laboring stage.

  • Epidural leads to medical interventions: Epidural disconnect you from the natural push action, so doctors give uterine stimulants or assist delivery by vacuum or forceps.

  • Healthier for both mom and baby: Normal delivery requires a short recovery time.

  • Babies receive protective bacteria from the birth canal, which helps build their immune system.

  • It also decreases the risk of respiratory diseases.

  • Facilitates breastfeeding: Usually delivered babies adapt to breastfeeding with ease.

  • Also, the pain relievers given in C-section deliveries pass on to the baby through breastfeeding.

  • Shorter hospital stays: Vaginal birth entails a shorter hospital stay and recovery time comparing to C-section.

Also, if we further understand Labor, or what is Labor actually 

It is often described as the contractions you get leading up to the birth of your baby.

But it actually goes on until your placenta is delivered. Majorly, we can divide labor into three stages.

Knowing how to recognize each stage will help you understand your labor and keep track of how the birth is progressing.

  • The first stage of labor results in the opening of the cervix, the neck of the uterus.

  • The second stage starts when your cervix has dilated and you start pushing your baby out. The second stage lasts until your baby is born.

  • Then the third stage kicks in, when the placenta is delivered.

Now let’s understand C-Section or Cesarean Delivery Method

You will find lots of data or stats on cesarean deliveries with tons of discussion, whether it's right or not, good bad etc etc

But Why?

One major reason is that government always want to promote and support Normal delivery, because of numerous health benefits both to infant and mother 

Ideally also C-Sec should be limited only to complex cases only, Why? 

Because, it is very expensive in comparison to normal delivery

One can find difficulty in breastfeeding right after the birth, again it’s different from case to case 

Ladies have complaint health or especially back issues because the use of Epidural (differ case to case)

 “Although the overall rate of cesarean deliveries in India is around 17%, rates have risen rapidly over the last ten years from 8.5% in 2005–06 to 17.2% in 2015–16 [34], driven particularly by increases in the private sector and in urban areas”, as per NCBI

A new study based on the data from the National Family and Health Survey has shown that there is a significant increase in the rate of cesarean births in India.

While WHO recommends the rate of cesarean delivery to be 10-15%, the number was 17.2% for India during the period from Jan 2015 to Dec 2016. This is higher than the rate seen in rich countries such as Netherlands or Finland. The report says that if this trend continues, India could soon have the largest number of C-section births in the world.

So, Is C-Section Bad option?

A 2018 report in The Lancet pointed out that the prevalence of maternal mortality and morbidity is higher after cesarean than after vaginal birth. Also, it is noted to be associated with an “increased risk of uterine rupture, abnormal placentation, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, and preterm birth.” Many studies have pointed out that babies born via C-section have less bacterial exposure, which in turn alters their immunity and gut microbiome diversity. Children tend to have increased chances of allergy, asthma, and childhood obesity.

Now, before we should decide anything let’s understand the process completely 

A cesarean section, often called c-section, is an operation in which an obstetrician makes a cut through your belly and uterus (womb) so that your baby can be born. It's the most common major surgery that women have.

Now, let’s understand the difference between planned and emergency delivery 

In the event that you definitely know that you are going to conceive an offspring by c-section, it is called an elective, arranged or planned cesarean

 A crisis or emergency cesarean, then again, is one that is attempted to secure the well-being of the mother or her infant (or both). 

 An elective or planned cesarean is typically planned to happen when a pregnancy has arrived at term and soon after or even before work starts. This is ordinarily at 37 to 40 weeks. 

 Most emergency cesarean sections are undertaken after labor has begun due to a complication that develops during labor. Occasionally, an emergency cesarean may have to be performed in late pregnancy (beyond the 28th week) if complications develop suddenly.

Why might you need to choose a cesarean delivery?

Surgery is opted for due to labor complications like:

  • Early pregnancy complication 

  • Baby is positioned such that it is coming out feet first

  • Baby is coming out shoulder first

  • Health issues like heart conditions or high BP in the mother

  • The baby has reduced oxygen supply

  • Developmental conditions in the baby

  • The baby’s head is too large for the birth canal

  • Stalled labor

  • You have a history of uterine surgery or multiple cesarean sections.

Even if none of the above conditions are present in your case, your doctor may schedule an elective cesarean if you wish to give birth this way. This would typically happen if you do not want a vaginal birth because of your fear of labor pains. Occasionally, a doctor may perform an elective cesarean if a woman and her family want the baby to be born on a particular day.

Before you or your family decide to have a planned cesarean for reasons other than those suggested by your doctor, think carefully. You are more likely to develop complications, such as infection and fever, after a cesarean birth. Also, a cesarean may not be the best option for your baby either.

Ultimately, your doctor will be the best person to judge if an elective c-section is necessary and sensible for you.

How is Cesarean is performed: -

Before a C-section, the mother is given an anesthesia, put on IV and a catheter is attached. Once properly medicated and numbed, the surgery begins with an incision being made right above the pubic hairline. This incision is usually horizontal and is made vertical only in certain emergencies.

After the first incision has been made into the abdomen and the uterus is exposed, the second incision is made into the uterus from where the newborn is removed. Once the baby has been removed, it is cleared of fluids around its mouth, nose and then the umbilical cord is cut off.

The uterus incision is repaired with dissoluble stitches and the abdomen is also closed with sutures. The baby is then taken for observation to ensure everything is fine and is breathing normally after which the baby is put in the mother’s arms.

Recovery is solely depending case to case, body to body

The mother and infant will stay in the clinic for the following hardly any days where painkillers will be given to the mother to post-delivery as an anesthesia wears off. The mother will likewise be prescribed to stroll around to prevent clotting and constipation. 

The medical attendants likewise help in breastfeeding and guarantee the mother learns the best situation to breastfeed to maintain a strategic distance from her from enduring any extra pain in the cut region

Ladies it’s a serious thing and it is important that you give the body enough time to recover completely. You may follow few points that can help you in recover fast

  • Do not exert yourself and take enough rest.

  • Drink plenty of fluids to help the body regain what it lost during surgery.

  • Avoid having sex for about 6 weeks.

Last choice is yours totally yours and truly, your doctors, seeing your condition they are best appointed authority for you, from my side, my perspective I have imparted to you all Take care, be healthy, be sound

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